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Impact Factor of the Journal:
GIF = 0.238
ISRA:JIF = 4.183
Call for Paper
Objective of The Society

Objective Of Society:

Scientific publishing

Network development for international education and research

Hold National and International conferences, symposia, seminars, workshops and training programs,

To foster and promote the new scientific knowledge that has emerged from recent advances in a wide range of academic fields, including Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Natural  Sciences, Environment,  Computing, Engineering, Social Studies and Humanities, Education, Economics, History, English and Management, etc.

To enable interaction between Scientists, Educationists and Engineers for mutual benefits in Academic  and / or Research, Educational or  Transfer of technology.

To encourage and facilitate activities that are geared to improve Organization at large and in particular the under privileged sections of  the Organization.

To focus on problems of malnutrition in women and children through scientific approach.

To address the important issues of conservation of soil and water.

To address the important issues of sustainable development, climate change and global warming.

To create awareness on environmental issues, biodiversity conservation, etc.

To facilitate technology transfer issues to farmers and other clients.

To further such objectives and goals as the General Body may decide from time to time.

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